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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


William Binney
NSA whistleblower, NSA Technical Director, 1965-2001
MSNBCW 03/10/2014
Farrow: question to you Mr. Binney. What would you most like to see change for the next whistleblower who goes through a process like this? Binney: I’d like to see a real program run by the administration that would actually do something about what whistleblowers are talking about. After all, whistleblowers are trying to address problems that exist inside the government, either corruption, fraud, waste, abuse or illegality. Now If the government doesn’t address those, and face them and say yes, we’re doing this and start correcting them, then there’s no real protection there whatsoever for any of us. I mean after all, the FISA court oversight of NSA is a joke as is the Senate and House Intelligence Committees. It’s a joke. Those people have no way of verifying what NSA is telling them. Farrow: There certainly has been some real questions raised about the transparency of those courts and we'll be watching closely.
Edward Snowden
MSNBCW 03/10/2014
Farrow: Moments ago NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden wrapped up of his first live video appearance at South by South West Interactive in Austin, Texas. His interviews conducted by the lead technologist for The ACLU. And just moments ago he said this, take a listen. Snowden: The NSA, the sort of global mass surveillance that’s prying at all of these countries, not just the U.S. and it’s important to remember that this is a global issue. They’re setting fire to the future of the internet. The people who are in this room now you guys are the firefighters. We need you to fix this.
Ronan Farrow
Host of Ronan Farrow Daily, MSNBC
MSNBCW 03/10/2014
Farrow: President Obama has said that Snowden had other avenues he could have actually pursued before he went to the option of leaking. Specifically he pointed to Executive Order 19, which he signed in 2012 which protects intelligence whistleblowers. Here’s the big problem. That executive order does not cover government contractors which is what Snowden was at the time of the leaks. Snowden recently responded that he tried to report his misgivings through legitimate channels ten separate times. And that the leak was a result of his not being afforded legitimate channels due to his status as a contractor. Pulling back, 1.1 million U.S. government contractors have some kind of security clearance (and access to secrets.)
Edward Snowden
MSNBCW 03/11/2014
Farrow: (Edward Snowden's latest comments which are just coming in) right after Senator Feinstein's statements. He weighed in saying, quote (Snowden): “It's equally if not more concerning that we're seeing another Merkel effect where an elected official does not care at all that the rights of millions of ordinary citizens are violated by our spies but suddenly it's a scandal when a politician finds out the same thing is happening to them” Farrow: Quite the allegation.
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